Social bookmarking is one of the medium for sharing various things and getting traffic to your sites.
I found a new and unique social bookmarking site that you might want to see – New Media Bloggers.
New Media Bloggers is developed and maintained by Hisham Fathy. The current tagline for New Media Bloggers is “Make Money from Your Social Networking” shows its objectives to be a social network bookmarks for making money online.
The meaning and interpretation of the term “new media” had been described by the admin himself through a post in the blog section entitled “What does ‘new media’ mean?“. You may need to signup before reading the post.
There are basic features in New Media Bloggers such as bookmarking, linking with friends and account management. The interesting feature is you can bookmark any page that you would like to share with other members through the bookmark function and make it as a resource for the others.
Besides general functions such as groups, blogs, photos and discussions, New Media Bloggers offers a space fo free advertising and “The Wire” section, where you can share your updates with other members.
New Media Bloggers is a nice place for bloggers for sharing thoughts, news, tips and many more. It is also suitable for making money online where you can submit your advertisements to the free advertising section.
Join New Media Bloggers now and don’t forget to join BloggerDaily group at New Media Bloggers!
1 Comment
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SighNetDollars from