Phew. Long time since I last updated BloggerDaily. Some readers had emailed me asking whether I’d stopped blogging or wanna sell this BloggerDaily. But I’m not. It’s just a matter of time where I have to solve some sort of works. And now I’m back for blogging.
I just learn a new thing in blogging – that giving is a noble thing to do.
Yeah. Giving is a noble thing to do, but when you’re involved yourself in blogging, there’s some sort of giving that you would like to do.
- Content – various knowledge, tips, stories, info
- Free downloads – EBook, softwares, videos, etc.
- Present/Gift – For top commenter
- Contest – Lucky winner, best answers
- Free Advertising space
Whether you realize it or not, when you’re blogging, you’re giving others something to know, digest or understand. Some people are recognized because they’re bad bloggers but believe me that blogging is something that supposed to be nice.
I’m maintaining some blogs with various niches. Currently some of my blogs’ PageRank are increasing. I feel happy and offer several free advertising spaces for the early birds. Amazingly, the readers are increasing and more bloggers are offering their guest post for my blog.
Some readers asking me about my other blogs but at the moment I’m not ready to reveal them yet. Maybe sometimes later.
Sharing is a giving. And sharing is about giving. That’s why I continue blogging =)

philanthropic is a dignified obsession to achieve, but at what time you’re concerned physically in bogging, there’s some kind of philanthropic that you would approximating to perform.sensation! send greet
useful list
thank you
Really good idea you have here. Thanks friends
It is relay humble noble idea and the policy can build a bright future
One of the best things to give would be the backlinks in comments. As long as the comments are on topic that is.
Your blog looks to be a pretty solid blog, keep up the good work.
It is relay humble noble idea and the policy can build a bright future, its really useful to get into it