Google’s new Instant Search system has created some really strange rumors regarding SEO. The theory seems to be that somehow Instant Search will replace SEO. In fact, the opposite is the case. Instant Search is in fact a refinement of the basic principles of SEO using the most common searches, derived from SEO.
Instant Search basics
Instant Search is derived from a series of statistical analyses in which it is possible to project likely search subjects. The current system of Instant Search was developed from the original Google Suggest search system.
For example:
If you’re searching “AB”, Instant Search will provide the following options:
ABC, ABCD, ABCDEFG, and so on.
These are actually qualifiers to the basic elements of the search which has been entered. Additional elements to entries will therefore naturally change the qualifiers on Instant Search.
SEO and Instant Search
It follows from this that search popularity is a major element in Google Instant Search. That’s where SEO comes into the equation.
For example, a search of the name “Jessica” will produce:
Jessica Alba, Jessica Smith, Jessica Jones and so on.
As you can see, the most likely search in this scenario would be Jessica Alba. This name will be at the top of the list purely because this would be the most common search for this particular name. In other words, SEO is in practice as usual. The fact is that Google’s Instant Search actually enhances SEO and makes it more functional and also drastically improved search efficiency.
SEO Ramifications of Instant Search
What is not immediately obvious is that Instant Search is a fundamentally new paradigm based on the original search algorithms concept. The intention of the Google search algorithm from inception was to create a meaningful series of search results based on quality as well as demographic incidence of a particular search term.
Google tends to base its search functions on a series of well-proven criteria. That’s been shown in its progressive development of consistent search engine strategies over its entire history. It should also be noticed that it’s very much in Google’s interest to provide the best possible SEO results for its own functions like Google AdSense, Adwords, and a vast array of other statistically related functions.
So it’s actually pretty ridiculous to assume that somehow Google would negate all these years of hard work attempting to obtain useful search results. The net rumor mill, as usual, has got it wrong, as usual.
There are ramifications for search engine optimization, but they actually exist beyond the search process. The most important ramifications of Google Instant Search are in improved demography and statistical accuracy relating to search terms. This will actually be a major benefit for both marketers and consumers, because it improves options in terms of basic searches and therefore improve the accuracy of searches.
To check this out, try a few of your normal searches, and see how many useful searches Google Instant Search provides while entering the search. Just as a matter of interest – did Google Instant Search provide a few useful options as you typed as well? It probably did. That’s what this is about. SEO is not only isn’t dead, it just got a lot better.